Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Birth of Secular Humanism.

The Birth of Secular Humanism, and The Psychic Wars.

This will be a weird one for you-dear reader.  It continues in my absolute disgust with all things "Richard Dawkins," except that he's correct about the whole evolution thing, and hopefully, it also explains what a consider the only logical and sane interpretation of the book of Genesis.

Things I post are sometimes all over the place, topic wise, and this one certainly is an example.  It features Acid_Rahne flattery, and myspace's own Vagabond, Blue Oyster Cult, and the Amazing Acoustic Guitarist, Tony Rice.

Also, I should mention that, being enamored of Google Analytics, I know that my myspace readers are far and away my most loyal readers-who spend the most time on blogs, view more of my pages, and have the highest return rate.

With Google Analytics, I can almost find out who you're sleeping with, when, where, and how often.  I also know, sadly, about those premature ejaculations. . . . .